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Fun Ways Smith 俱乐部 Raise Funds for Student Scholarships

Published December 10, 2019

Outdoor group shot of the Smith Club of Oregon

The Smith College Club of Oregon

“When Smithies come together for an important cause, their impact is tremendous,” 说s Kelsey Cleveland ’95, former co-president of the Smith College Club of Oregon, 澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部是世界上众多筹集资金支持奖学金的俱乐部之一. “Since our club established an endowed scholarship fund in 1951, 俄勒冈州的澳门葡京博彩软件每年都自豪地聚集在一起支持学院和来自俄勒冈州的澳门葡京博彩软件学生.”


In the last 10 years alone, clubs have donated almost $1.从卖山核桃和太妃糖到制作台历和手提袋,他做了很多事情来获得500万美元的经济援助. The efforts are particularly welcome as the college launches Here for Every Voice, an initiative to raise $75 million for scholarships, 为每一位有才华、有资格的澳门葡京博彩软件人提供获得世界一流教育的机会. 

以下是澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部帮助最优秀、最聪明的学生进入澳门葡京博彩软件的四个聪明方法, while maintaining a strong community outside of the Grécourt Gates. “Engagement, community and Smithies connecting. Nothing better than that!纽约市澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部02级的凡妮莎·盖茨-埃尔斯顿说.

Hosting a Scholarship Benefit

Members of the Smith College Club of New York City


人: The Smith College Club of New York City

What it is: An annual two-hour gala evening for 100 to 150 people, 特色饮料和开胃小菜以及主题演讲,如纽约时报美食和葡萄酒作家佛罗伦萨法布里坎特' 58. Tickets cost $200. 分层定价结构允许赞助人为校友和其他可能无法参加的人购买门票. 

“I support Smith because I want future generations to know I believe in them; I want them to thrive and be true to who they are meant to be and carry the Smith torch in the world. No Smithie is alike but we are passionate, brilliant, opinionated, 勇敢的, 种类, strong and innovative,” 说s Vanessa Gates-Elston ’02, 2019 honorary chair of the benefit.

Scholarship funds raised: Approximately $48,000 in 2019; more in previous years

Vanessa’s tips for organizing a benefit:

  • 提前6到24个月联系潜在的主讲人,在他们繁忙的日程上预留一个位置. 考虑联系那些不住在你所在地区的知名校友——他们可能会来参加活动.
  • Book venues six to 12 months in advance.
  • Utilize all alumnae resources at your disposal. That may mean using an alumnae home for the location, 从校友拥有的企业中提供食物或帮助,或者让一群校友承担活动的费用,这样澳门葡京博彩软件的学生就能获得最大的收益. 

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Sponsor a Book Sale

人: The Smith College Club of New Hampshire 

What it is: 五所大学图书义卖活动于1962年春天由东北五所大学的校友发起,是新英格兰地区最大的旧书义卖活动之一. 这次拍卖为佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州就读澳门葡京博彩软件的学生筹集了奖学金, Mount Holyoke, 席梦思床品公司, Vassar and Wellesley. 每年春天,都有300多名毕业生和他们的朋友自愿参加这次大甩卖, which includes roughly 35,000 books as well as CDs, dvd, audiobooks and memorabilia. Each year 1,500 to 3,000 people attend the event. 

“我们的俱乐部认为为奖学金筹集资金是很重要的,因为教育是任何人都能给予的最伟大的礼物之一,” 说s Cindy Kordys ’90.

Scholarship funds raised: Approximately $65,000 annually, which is split evenly among the schools

Cindy’s tips for organizing a book sale: 

  • Create a leadership team to help make this big endeavor run smoothly. 五校图书销售会选出两到三名负责人和一名秘书, a treasurer, and a steering committee comprised of former sale leaders, representatives from each college, a volunteer coordinator, a publicity coordinator and several veteran volunteers.
  • 创建、分配和分享待办事项清单,并注明截止日期,以确保项目按部就班. 
  • 招募志愿者和赞助商来支付筹款活动的费用.

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Organize a Book Club

Members of the East Bay Smith College Club

The East Bay Smith College Club at their 25th Anniversary Book Club.

人: The East Bay Smith College Club

What it is: The East Bay SC Book Club, which first met in Oakland, California, in March 1994, recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. Sherrill Lavagnino ’84, membership chair, 将俱乐部描述为友谊和智力刺激的美妙源泉, 还有额外的好处:为奖学金筹集资金,让校友们与澳门葡京博彩软件保持联系. 从2017届到20世纪40年代,一场典型的会议吸引了5到10名与会者——尽管大约有50人在邮件列表上. Each participant donates $5 per meeting except for the host, 哪个俱乐部的财务主管玛丽·斯台普顿在79年收集并指示给玛丽E. 威尔逊捐赠奖学金基金,支持一名来自东湾的学生. 

Scholarship funds raised: $1,500 annually

Sherrill’s tips for organizing a book club:

  • Choose books out in paperback to keep costs down.
  • 提前两到三个月挑书,这样会员就有时间在图书馆预订.
  • Hold meetings on different nights of the week (Tuesday one month, 说, 下周三),这样那些有特殊冲突的人至少可以参加一些会议. 
  • Rotate the location among members’ homes.

Learn more: 网站.谷歌.com/site/eastbaysmithclub/book-club-blog

Run a Silent Auction

Christl Hutter Larson and Emily Hagens Beck

Christl Hutter Larson ' 86(左)和Emily Hagens Beck ' 10(右)在明尼苏达州澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部的无声拍卖.

人: The Smith College Club of Minnesota

What it is: 明尼苏达州澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部于1933年开始了“澳门葡京博彩软件日”,每年在当地校友的家中举行筹款活动. 无声拍卖最初是澳门葡京博彩软件日的众多活动之一, but has now become the primary attraction and is held in a large, local venue such as a museum. At the auction, items as well as experiences (think singing lessons, bread-making lessons and even ice bowling) are auctioned, 筹集的资金将用于支持俱乐部为当地澳门葡京博彩软件学生设立的捐赠奖学金基金,以及澳门葡京博彩软件的暑期实习. In recent years, 俱乐部征求当地杰出校友的提名,并在活动上授予他们自己的一位明尼苏达澳门葡京博彩软件奖章. Annually, about 100 alums and guests attend. 

“我们希望确保澳门葡京博彩软件教育始终是一个选择,无论人们的资源如何. 我们需要来自各行各业的聪明、受过教育的女性,而提供奖学金是实现这一目标的途径!” 说s Kate Lehmann ’78, the president of the club.

Scholarship funds raised: Approximately $8,000 – $10,000

Kate’s tips for organizing a silent auction:

  • 提前六个月开始计划,以确保你能预订到你需要的空间.
  • Focus on publicity and attendance. 你可以尝试Facebook上的活动帖子、邮寄邀请、电子邮件和电子通讯.
  • 考虑出售活动的门票来筹集额外的资金:在门口, online and in advance through mail-in reservations. 明尼苏达州的澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部(Smith Club of Minnesota)为年轻校友提供折扣,并尝试了一种“能付多少就付多少”的方式, 这意味着大多数学校都支付建议的费用或更多来支持年轻校友.

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阅读更多令人兴奋的方式澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部筹集资金的奖学金援助 Smith College Alumnae Relations website

By Hailey Escobar ’19 and Jessie Wang ’19